Women Architects at Work: Making American Modernism

Event Mar 10  

Mary Anne Hunting and Kevin D. Murphy discuss their new book Women Architects at Work: Making American Modernism, a comprehensive history of the women architects who left their enduring mark on American Modernism. Our first Modern Conversations event of the year.

Preserving the Recent Past 4 Conference

Event Mar 19  

March 19–22. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Preserving the Recent Past conference series and the founding of Docomomo US, PRP4 will provide a national forum to share the latest strategies for identifying, protecting, and conserving significant structures and sites from the post-war era.

Whitney interiors may soon have landmark status


The NYC LPC has calendared the interior designation of the former Whitney Museum of American Art. A vote should happen by the end of April. In January, three proposed alterations were brought before the Commission for CofA review and successfully resolved.

The Tuskegee Chapel: Paul Rudolph X Fry & Welch

Through Jul 5  

At the Yale Architecture Gallery: the often-overlooked story of the partnership behind the landmarked Tuskegee Chapel, a celebrated yet understudied work of midcentury architecture. It was Paul Rudolph, Louis Fry, Sr., and Col. John Welch. Opens January 9.

Threatened Walter Netsch Buildings at Wells College


Last year Wells College in Aurora, NY, closed and put its entire campus up for sale—and turned off the heat and water. Three important buildings designed by SOM’s Walter Netsch are at risk. Only one has landmark protections. Advocacy is underway.

Two Glass Houses: An Entangled History

Event Mar 16  

Executive directors of The Glass House and the Edith Farnsworth House are teaming up for a virtual discussion exploring the intertwined history of these iconic glass-walled houses. Hosted by Smithsonian Associates and The Glass House.

Materialized Space—The Architecture of Paul Rudolph

Through Mar 16  

The Met presents the first-ever major museum exhibition to examine the career of Paul Rudolph and showcase the full breadth of Rudolph’s contributions to architecture—from experimental houses in Florida to utopian visions for urban megastructures.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Southwestern Pennsylvania

Through Mar 17  

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Southwestern Pennsylvania, a new exhibition at the National Building Museum, presents both realized and unrealized projects and examines how FLW’s vision of the future might have impacted urban, suburban, and rural landscapes.

Saarinen and "Severance"

Of course you knew the hit series “Severance” is filmed at Saarinen’s Bell Labs in Holmdel, NJ. They truck in fake snow.

Test Drive A FLW House

Eight Frank Lloyd Wright designed houses you can book on Airbnb; Arizona to Michigan and one in between.

A staple of streamlined moderne returns?

According to AD magazine, glass block has escaped “trend jail” and is making a comeback in restaurant and residential design.

Welcome Montenegro plus five.

Albania, Croatia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Nigeria and Portugal are newly approved DOCOMOMO International working parties, bringing the total to 80.

Coming stateside soon

The 19th International DOCOMOMO Conference will take place in Los Angeles, CA, in March 2026.

Conversation pit comeback?

Are conversation pits the antidote to endless hours in front of screens? Possibly. Check out conversation_pits on instagram for all the inspiration you’ll ever need. It’s a lot about the pillows.

The world is full of DOCOMOMO

Docomomo International recently added five country-level working parties: Bahrain, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. The organization now counts 77 working parties and more than 3,000 international-level members.

Shower in the spirit of FLW

It was only a matter of time. “With the stroke of his pencil he gave structure to life, and life to structure. That is a legacy that lives on.” Now, we’re told, in a new bathroom fixture collection from BRIZO. Catch the video.

Expand your MoMo horizons

Docomomo Journal is the peer-reviewed journal of Docomomo International that, since 1990, has provided a twice-yearly collection of recent and original research on the documentation and conservation of Modern Movement sites. The journal is now open access and digitized back to 2010. Peruse some great issues at our leisure.

Cats of Brutalism

Apparently cats like Brutalism a lot more than architectural pundits, civic leaders and everyday onlookers. This Instagram account—taglined a “daily dose of cats and concrete”—is all fun. If you’re on Instagram check out Julliard School, Pirelli Building, Whitney Museum and more.

Eames Office Explains Magnitude

Along with architecture, Charles and Ray Eames made their mark in short films. In Power of Ten, a 1977 film for IBM, the duo visualized the concept of magnitude and it still mesmerizes. Six million YouTube viewers couldn’t be wrong.